
Just felt a calling to make a post so I thought I’d pop on and type out a quick life update.

Surro bub is going on 4 months already! I can’t believe it’s been that long. It feels like yesterday and forever ago all at once. He’s doing well and I get regular updates from his dads. His sister’s 3rd birthday is coming up next month. Hard to believe she’s 3 already!

On May 18th is was the one year anniversary of surro bub’s transfer. What a difference a year makes! Pictures of those early pregnancy tests have started to pop up on my Time Hop app. It’s always fun to be reminded what where we at post transfer this time last year. I remember being in absolute shock that I had such a clear line only 4 days after the transfer. I looked at the test every which way just to make sure I wasn’t seeing anything. I shared the picture in a group chat of other GCs who transferred the same week as me because I needed assurance I wasn’t crazy! Sure enough he was in there growing just perfectly.

Our family has been busy this spring. Winter lasted much too long, luckily we got an escape at the beginning of April to Mexico with a group of about 20 family members for a couple weeks. It was so nice to just be warm. We thoroughly enjoyed the trip and we made some great memories. Once we got back we’ve been trying to get the yard and garden ready. We have been getting our travel trailer ready for camping season and will be using it for the first time this week.

Post partum has been really smooth. The CT scan I had in the hospital right after he was born showed that the kidney stones were gone which was such a relief since we were headed out of the country on vacation. I’m keeping the meds on hand though just in case they return down the road.

I have had to remind myself a few times of all the reasons that I decided I was done having babies. I knew I would need to though. It’s so easy when you get some space from being pregnant to forget about the nausea in the first however many weeks, then about the getting up all night to pee, the aches and pains, and the general uncomfortableness. One of the things that made all that easier was telling myself that it was the last time I would be doing it. I knew myself well enough though to make it more difficult to change my mind. I started on some mental health medication that I felt I needed (not related to surrogacy at all. It was for anxiety that was present long before surrogacy. I had always just dealt with it because it’s a requirement to be off those types of meds 6-12 months before pursuing surrogacy) not long after delivery. I have seen really good results with it and am happy that I finally took that step for myself and my health. I also had an IUD placed 8 weeks after delivery. This doesn’t make it impossible to be a GC again, but they can cause lining issues during IVF cycles after they’re removed so it’s just one more reason to not pursue being a GC in the future. I saw my OB recently for an IUD follow up and I mentioned that I had had a few “what if a few years…” and she looked at me like I was crazy 😂 She has already mentioned a few times about how it’s a good time to be done and that “it was time to be done” so I don’t think even if I decided I wanted to she would approve me. Not that I think it’s a good idea, but again when you get distance from the discomfort it’s easy to think “what if.”

The rest of my family is also enjoying me not being pregnant 😆 The kids appreciate the extra energy I have and so do I. It’s much easier to put sheets on a bunk bed when you don’t have a huge belly!

Not sure if/when I’ll be back next, but I hope to pop in every once in awhile to say hey and keep track of life!